Hypertension, heart attack and other risks: Do you know what heart diseases affect men?

Typically, men only notice problems with their health when the body literally starts “crying for help”. Check your blood pressure immediately and see a doctor, even if you only experience a slight twinge in the chest. It is worth noting that such ailments are not reserved for men. only for men. Men, however, are more susceptible to cardiovascular problems, which makes them susceptible to numerous complications. Ignoring early signals can lead to irreversible consequences, because heart and blood vessel diseases are now the leading cause of disability and mortality. So let’s look at some facts and figures regarding the important pathology of the circulatory system in men: – According to research, more than one third of adult men suffer from cardiovascular disease. – As many as 40% of deaths due to heart disease occur in men. – Men are more susceptible to these pathologies than women. – Men aged 50-65 are three times more likely to die from coronary heart disease and suffer strokes 60% more often than women. – The risk of these diseases largely depends on lifestyle and eating habits. However, each of us can influence the reduction of this risk. So why are so many modern men at risk from these diseases? First of all, just being a man is a risk factor. Although a woman’s body is protected by various hormones, the obese hormonal background in men is much weaker. Most men also have other risk factors, such as smoking and alcohol abuse, unhealthy eating, stress and chronic fatigue, low physical activity, and the problem of overweight and obesity. All this puts modern men at risk. When it comes to heart disease, men usually think of high blood pressure and severe chest pain. Such symptoms may indeed occur, but the first signs are often much more subtle. These may include occasional shortness of breath during moderate exercise, headaches, tinnitus, chest discomfort, a feeling of squeezing of internal organs, numbness in fingers and toes, as well as slight swelling in the evening. The pain is not always located in the chest, it can also occur in the neck, jaw or under the shoulder blade. Please remember that the slightest symptoms should not be ignored. It is worth consulting a doctor as soon as possible. Timely treatment will help avoid serious complications in the future. It is also important to note that erection problems may also be a sign of cardiovascular disease because they occur due to clogged arteries supplying the penis and impaired blood flow to other parts of the body. To minimize the risk of these diseases, it is worth taking another look at the previously mentioned risk factors. Each of us can influence these factors. Give up smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, start eating healthily, engage in regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight and try to reduce stress. If you are over 40, be sure to visit your doctor regularly, check your blood pressure and have blood tests to monitor your cholesterol and glucose levels. Men who have close relatives affected by these diseases should pay special attention to their health. it is worth taking another look at the previously mentioned risk factors. Each of us can influence these factors. Give up smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, start eating healthily, engage in regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight and try to reduce stress. If you are over 40, be sure to visit your doctor regularly, check your blood pressure and have blood tests to monitor your cholesterol and glucose levels. Men who have close relatives affected by these diseases should pay special attention to their health. it is worth taking another look at the previously mentioned risk factors. Each of us can influence these factors. Give up smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, start eating healthily, engage in regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight and try to reduce stress. If you are over 40, be sure to visit your doctor regularly, check your blood pressure and have blood tests to monitor your cholesterol and glucose levels. Men who have close relatives affected by these diseases should pay special attention to their health. be sure to visit your doctor regularly, check your blood pressure and have blood tests to monitor your cholesterol and glucose levels. Men who have close relatives affected by these diseases should pay special attention to their health. be sure to visit your doctor regularly, check your blood pressure and have blood tests to monitor your cholesterol and glucose levels. Men who have close relatives affected by these diseases should pay special attention to their health.

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Is there still room for sex after a heart attack?


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